About Jim Bozzelli

With over 34 years of experience, Jim is fluent in the ins and outs of the meeting and event world. His tenacity and creativity as a strategist have ensured that incentive programs and corporate meetings are highly polished while simultaneously achieving big-picture goals and objectives. Before focusing exclusively on corporate events and incentive programs, he enjoyed over 10 years of success managing and directing national and international sales. During this time, he worked closely with hotels and convention bureaus. His expertise was recognized with rapid promotions along the way. Over 18 years ago he joined the Gavel International team where he works tirelessly with clients to make their events shine by analyzing data, setting goals, negotiating contracts, as well as setting and managing budgets. He is currently the Vice President of Gavel International.

June 2022

Cold Prospecting Via LinkedIn Outreach

2022-11-23T13:45:32-06:00June 7th, 2022|

(Part 3 of 3) Parts One and Two of this three-part series discussed due diligence for successful cold email prospecting and social selling. Wrapping up the series, we will be tying it all together with how to do effective cold outreach on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the best place to communicate with 722 million business professionals. Launching in May 2003, nine [...]

May 2022

Cold Prospecting by Incorporating Social Selling

2022-11-23T13:45:58-06:00May 31st, 2022|

(Part 2 of 3) Part One of this three-part series covered the importance of due diligence and key elements necessary for successful cold email outreach.   Part Two will discuss cold prospecting through social selling. Social Selling utilizes LinkedIn, Twitter, and Meta channels such as Facebook and Instagram to gain visibility, earn salesperson credibility, deliver value, and establish relationships that ultimately [...]

Cold Prospecting Via Smart Cold Email Outreach

2022-11-23T13:46:11-06:00May 24th, 2022|

Cold Prospecting (Part 1 of 3) Prospecting is, of course, necessary for organizations to find new business. While marketing and advertising may recruit leads, salespeople should still be seeking new opportunities as well. However, prospecting is hard work. In fact, nearly half (42%) of sales professionals state that prospecting is the most challenging part of their job. (1)  Indeed, finding [...]

Understanding vs. Judging

2022-11-23T13:46:24-06:00May 17th, 2022|

Understanding is the ability to comprehend something. It is to be sympathetic and aware of another person's feelings, to be tolerant and forgiving. It is also an agreement between two or more people, "I understand we are going lunch." It can also be an understanding between two groups, i.e., management and a union. It can also be a more complicated [...]

April 2022

Under-Promise and Over-Delivery, or Indispensability?

2022-11-23T13:47:59-06:00April 26th, 2022|

Since the late 1980s, a popular strategy in the business world has been to "under-promise and over-deliver." Its purpose is a reminder that the temptation is easy to over-promise or over-commit, but later struggle when expectations fall short. Instead, businesses are encouraged to set expectations low, do more than what was promised, and exceed expectations to result in more favorable [...]

March 2022

Sleep: How Important is it in the Workplace?

2022-11-23T13:51:24-06:00March 15th, 2022|

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) shows that under 37% of American adults get adequate sleep. Getting enough sleep is something people need for good health. One night of short sleep can affect an individual the next day. Not only are workers more likely to feel sleepy, but they also are more likely to be crabby, moody, and [...]

How to Consistently Attract and Hire Quality Sales Talent

2022-11-23T13:51:41-06:00March 1st, 2022|

Why is hiring qualified salespeople so hard? The second most challenging role to fill globally is that of a salesperson. (1) This statement begs the question, why is hiring a qualified salesperson so tricky? Smaller businesses often provide the best opportunities because they are looking for the highest growth.  Compensation packages may be more lucrative for top producers, leaving mid [...]

February 2022

8 Ways to Generate Leads Using LinkedIn

2022-11-28T12:21:30-06:00February 15th, 2022|

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network on the internet. It can be a powerful tool to find the right job or internship, connect, strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills needed to succeed in a career. The network of contacts you make plays an essential role in perfecting the strength of LinkedIn. This network will help you understand your [...]

A Meeting Planner’s Guide to Sustainable Gifts for Attendees

2022-11-23T13:52:07-06:00February 1st, 2022|

Whether for travel incentives or meetings, gifts for events are something special that starts a “feel good” moment with all attendees. Historically these can be large gift baskets filled with expensive wines, electronics, locally made gifts, etc. But as more corporations are aware of climate change and leaving smaller carbon footprints, gift-giving is a matter that should be addressed with [...]

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