March 2021

Critical Insights Businesses Can Get From Hybrid Education Experiences   

2022-11-23T13:59:03-06:00March 2nd, 2021|

Virtual education became an option widely available to students from kindergarten through undergraduate and postgraduate school in 2020. Hybrid education – in which some students learn in-person and some learn remotely – was a new reality. Many businesses followed suit by taking their events virtual or hybrid. While hybrid learning and events offer certain benefits, they are also challenging to [...]

February 2021

Understanding Audience Attention Span and How to Keep Virtual Audiences Engaged

2022-11-23T13:59:29-06:00February 16th, 2021|

Eight seconds. This is how much time companies have to capture virtual event attendees' attention before it wavers. (1) Grabbing their attention is only the first step. From there, brands must keep the audience's attention while a myriad of distractions assails their senses. This is the age of great distractions and severely abbreviated content courtesy of the smartphone and TikTok. [...]

Why Virtual Event Rehearsals Are Critical

2022-11-28T12:06:53-06:00February 9th, 2021|

It is easy to assume that since virtual events do not occur at a venue, they require less planning. In reality, they require far more planning.  This can be a costly mistake if a meeting planner or a company is new to hosting virtual events, especially if they are live. Virtual meetings or events require more preparation, especially when it [...]

What Managers Need to Know About Morale and Mental Fatigue in Social Media

2022-11-23T14:00:12-06:00February 2nd, 2021|

When leveraged well, social media can serve as a potent tool. It allows a manager to gain insight into competitors, the market, buyers and their needs, trends and to discover opportunities to reach new markets. When well leveraged, social media can also provide insight into new services and the development of new and improved products. Other benefits of social media [...]

January 2021

The Feast or Famine Conundrum of Marketing and Sales Content

2022-09-21T10:25:45-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

Brands are faced with a perplexing conundrum when it comes to effectively marketing their products or services. Striking the perfect balance between promoting them while not coming across as overly promotional takes finesse. The companies that excel in this area will find that their efforts are fruitful.  So, how can businesses subtly promote themselves by delivering content their target audience [...]

Five Reasons Why Email Marketing Campaigns Fail

2022-11-28T12:24:31-06:00January 19th, 2021|

When email marketing campaigns are executed poorly, it can leave companies wondering if they are worth the financial and time investment. However, email campaigns that are carefully planned, tested and executed are well worth the time and effort: 59 percent of business-to-business marketers cite email as their most effective channel in terms of revenue generation. (1) Email is the third [...]

How to Balance Markets and Solutions for Long-Term Business Stability

2022-09-21T10:25:59-05:00January 5th, 2021|

 It is natural for a business to want to sell to a particular group of customers – in other words, to find its niche. First, people typically feel comfortable in one to two areas. They are reluctant to step outside of their comfort zone. Second, the theory that companies should sell to target audiences is one of the most common [...]

December 2020

Five Strategies to Build an Endurant and Valuable Workforce  

2022-11-23T13:52:40-06:00December 15th, 2020|

The economic crises faced by many organizations during the covid crisis left leadership scrambling to figure out how to fortify their business. One of the best ways to do so is by fostering an engaged, productive, and motivated workforce. This is easier said than done, but mainly because many managers lack the knowledge of how to achieve it. Here are [...]

Why Face-to-Face Interactions Are Still Critical in Business

2022-11-23T14:11:54-06:00December 1st, 2020|

There is no question about it: Technology has revived many organizations during the pandemic. Software such as Zoom, Go-To-Meeting, and Slack calls have allowed co-workers to interact and even see each other.  Project management programs help keep even the largest companies organized and on task. That said, virtual meetings can never fully take the place of face-to-face interactions. Making personal [...]

November 2020

The Psychology of Fear and Its Impact Right Now  

2022-11-23T14:11:42-06:00November 24th, 2020|

When people experience an event that invokes fear on some level, they react in ways that are hard-wired into their DNA. Human beings are programmed to protect themselves in the event of a perceived threat, just like animals. The difference is human beings have evolved comparatively poorly in the way they react. This is especially true in the current environment [...]

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