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Contrary to the highly debated consensus that business cards are a dinosaur and relegated to the trash, they can be effective – if they are customized.

Why is a high-quality, customized business card a powerful tool for driving sales? And why does a generic card fail to make the same impact?

  • 72 percent of people judge a business on the quality of its business card. (1)
  • 38 percent of people would not do business with a company that has cheap business cards (1)

These compelling statistics illustrate how a properly-designed business card is one of the most effective – and inexpensive – marketing tactics a business can leverage. One question remains: How does a company go about creating cards that make an impact? Keeping the following goals and situations in mind will take organizations far.

Sometimes Generic Business Cards Are Necessary

 While this thought may seem counterintuitive considering the points discussed above, some situations call for a generic business card. That said, a business should never rely solely on generic cards.

When are generic business cards the right choice? Situations in which employees find themselves questioning whether a prospect is a good fit and do not want to give too much information to them yet. Having access to generic business cards give employees the option to keep the prospect as a possibility until they can properly vet them.

PRO-TIP:  Generic business cards are an excellent way for partners to provide referrals to the company. Generic business cards allow employees to conduct sales qualifications or other support services.

The Visibility of Certain Employees Is Important

 All companies share one trait in common: The public visibility of employees varies. Some are front and center, while others make their impact behind the scenes. Business cards for the former should include a headshot. Why?

The human mind is hard-wired to remember faces. This is why most people are better able to remember faces than they are names. When high visibility employees such as salespeople add their headshot to their cards, it works wonders to help more prospects remember them.

PRO-TIP:  Consider creating business cards with headshots for use during networking, mixer and in-person events.  This will not only help attendees remember each other but literally will help put a face with a name!

Getting Insight into the Results Generated Is Major

 Customizing business cards in specific ways can give organizations insight into why they see results – or why they are not! This type of customized card:

  • Quantifies the impact the company has made in its industry and overall
  • Provides clarity on the business it is missing and the cost of neglecting to take action to fix it
  • It makes clear the action the cardholder needs to take to eliminate shortcomings

Salespeople should have a business card designed with a specific outcome in mind for in-person meetings where sales opportunities have previously been vetted. These meetings warrant memorable conversations and a memorable card (that stands out from others) to hand the prospect.

PRO-TIP:  Impactful in-person meetings deserve more than just a generic business card. It’s hard enough to get appointments with decision-makers, so it’s essential to make a lasting impression.  Make sure your business card provides a call-to-action that triggers a desired action.

Including an industry benchmark or addressing a critical pain point and how your solution creates real-world significance is a game-changer.  For example: “Recover unrealized revenue and enhance employee productivity by 20x. Ask me how three strategies will have a lasting impact on your organization. (000) 000-0000.”

Business Cards Can Promote and Quantify Specific Products

If designed correctly, this type of customized business card serves three purposes:

  1. Shares real-life success stories of those who use the product
  2. Provides one to three (ideally quantifiable) benefits the product offers
  3. Clearly states the action desired of the cardholder to take


Generally speaking, three to 10 products or services drive roughly 80 to 90 percent of most companies’ revenue. These products or services should be highlighted, especially when the right opportunities arise, due to the critical role they play in the business’s financial well-being.

PRO-TIP:  Business cards are micro marketing materials. They can be powerful tools, especially at conventions, trade shows and when a prospect shows interest in a specific product or service.  Instead of providing a generic business card, share one that highlights the product/service’s best and invites action.

Here are a couple of various examples:

  • 97% of users saw skin clarity within 120 days. Contact me for no-cost samples XYZ123 for your medical practice or clinic.  (000) 000-0000
  • Preserve the integrity of your building and repair hidden dangers like cracks, holes or erosion. Call me for a concrete evaluation. (000) 000-0000
  • Stop wasting time talking to unqualified leads. Learn how your sales team can be speaking with qualified buyers right now.  (000) 000-0000

Yes, customized business cards and multiple versions of them may cost a bit more upfront. However, this minor investment will pay off in dividends with the acceleration of sales and improved company recognition. By following the tips above, organizations can quickly figure out which types of business cards work best for their goals.

BONUS PRO TIP:  In today’s world of technology, business cards no longer need to be solely in print.  Digital business cards are also as effective.  Remember, business cards (whether in print or electronic format) are just one more tool in the sales toolbox!

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This article was last updated on November 28, 2022

Eloisa Mendez