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Smart and Easy Tips for Planning and Organizing Green Meetings

Business conferences can have a positive impact on a company’s performance but unfortunately can often have negative ramifications on the environment. Luckily there are some tips for planning and organizing green meetings that can make your next business affair more ecologically-friendly.

  1.  Select a Season when Temperatures are Moderate

If a corporate event only needs to happen once or twice a year consider having it in the spring or fall.

By opting to hold the meeting during a season when the temperature will be relatively moderate, you can reduce the amount of electricity that would otherwise be consumed on heating and cooling.

  1. Consider Natural Lighting

While many conference rooms require artificial lighting, holding the meeting in a room with windows can be an attractive option.  Natural lighting reduces electricity, not to mention it can improve the mindset of attendees since they won’t feel isolated in a windowless meeting space.

  1. Opt for Green Catering

If food and drinks will be served investigating catering options can also create opportunities for a green-friendly meeting.  Many environmentally-friendly caterers take planning and organizing green meetings very seriously. They will serve guests using biodegradable platters and cups and provide the appropriate resources to encourage recycling among the staff and guests. Having recycling bins in plain sight will also provide attendees with a chance to make responsible choices with their trash.

  1. Cut Down on the Use of Printed Handouts

Instead of printing out an outline on paper for everyone attending the business event it’s much more ecologically-savvy to let participants view lessons and outlines from a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Using this method allows attendees to listen and take notes while reducing paper waste and preserving trees used in papermaking. For any items that absolutely need to be printed, make sure to use recycled papers, print on both sides and use as much of the page as you can to include the necessary text. Instead of using staples that can only be used one time, opt for paper clips which can be used over and over again.

  1. Substitute Fresh Flowers for Re-plantable Blooms in Biodegradable Containers

Fresh flowers add a bit of whimsy and color to meetings. However, they don’t live long after the meeting is over. Instead of using cut flower, opt for replantable herbs or border plants such as basil, lavender or marigolds.  These plants will provide a pop of color but can easily be replanted helping to create less waste and more beauty.

  1. Use Bulk Transport Services

While attendees may be arriving from numerous locations grouping a number of them together for transportation can help reduce harmful automotive emissions.

  1. Choose Eco-conscious Activities

You can show your business associates that you care about more than just the bottom line by planning and organizing green events. One of the best ways to build camaraderie among business associates is to engage them in team-building activities. When planned the right way these events can be very effective while still preserving our habitat. Instead of having a fireworks show or an elaborate light display, you can make a positive effect on the community by cleaning up a nearby park or beach. Even better, traveling to a destination in another country and helping them build a school, for example, can combine green initiatives, team-building activities and memorable destination travel.

  1. Donate Leftovers

If your meeting has been catered consider donating unused drinks, meals, etc. to a homeless shelter or food pantry. Not only will this help minimize waste from the event, but you’ll be benefiting a worthy cause.

These small acts can have a positive impact on the environment and send a message to your attendees that you care about the planet.

If you want make sure your next business event makes a positive impact on your associates and the environment contact Gavel International! We have years of experience organizing corporate meetings and can help your company go green at your next big occasion.

This article was last updated on November 28, 2022

Jeff Richards